Welcome to ,
your helmet & minihelmet collecting resource. We
have everything from helmet references to How-To articles
available for your convenience. **UPDATE 26 August
2008 - JUST ADDED: More helmet photos in the HELMETS section!
Check them out!**
This is a hobbyist website. If you are looking for specific
information on older helmets, please try Helmet
Hut. Curtis Worrell is THE pre-eminent authority
on older helmets, and this site is only a general hobbyist
one by nature. This site does NOT offer any refurbished
helmets for sale, nor do we supply any helmets for any competitive
use; we do NOT paint helmets for ANYONE either. If
you are looking for football helmets for competitive use,
please refer to your regional dealer. This
site uses JavaScript popup windows for extended item details,
which enables you to learn additional details about a specific
product, as well as see several detail photos, and not disrupt
your visit. If have "Anti-Popup/Popup Blocker" software enabled,
please hold down your <CTRL>
key on your keyboard when you click on links in order to see
the popup pages. Background/Profile:
SilverState55 started with collecting helmets and minihelmets
of a few professional teams. The helmet bug had bitten
hard and the collection grew tremendously; in addition to
Chargers helmets/minis, other items were obtained that represented
defunct and obscure leagues (WLAF, WFL, USFL, XFL, Arena,
to mention a few).
When first collecting full-size helmets & minihelmets,
inaccurate details on many of these helmets caused a tremendous
amount of frustration. This led to researching helmet
details and into the construction/use of helmets in general.
A proprietary and proven refurbishing method was even developed
for display helmets.